“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.” -Steve Jobs
Is Your Business at Risk?
You thought the Virus was being contained. That’s at least what you were told by the powers that be. But unfortunately it continues to spread endangering the lives of you and others as well as putting your businesses at risk. What you?
Digital Transformation
There is something that you have probably heard of but may not have thought about it seriously then. We are talking about Digital Transformation.
On Your Own or with Help?
Digital Transformation means transforming your analog business into a digital one. You can do this transformation process on your own or seek out the consultations with of organizations such as our, DIYdigi.com.
Put Your Processes Online
When we say Digital Transformation we do not mean that you must make all of your business web based, we are merely suggesting that you put as much of the processes of your business online.
In short what we are saying is inspired by Steve Jobs’ use of the phrase “Don’t be trapped by dogma.” And the dogma of the past is not that of the present. It’s up to you what steps you take now.