Get in their face with your eBook sales.

They Can Not Wait to Buy It

Promoting your eBook can be a lot of fun and if you do it correctly then you can be financially rewarded as well. It is assumed when you wrote your publication you took into mind the reaching of a demographic that needed your information. The more urgent the better because then your solution will be sought over and when a member of the public comes across your eBook for sale, that can’t wait to buy it.

Solution or Pain Stopper?

Reverse engineering is not a bad idea. Find a market that either needs a solution to a problem or to stop the pain, and author your work directed toward the audience you selected.

Best Selling Preposition

Your sales and marketing methodology is based on your confidence in your marketing. If you have it in-focus then self hosting the eCommerce is a good idea. If your promotional plans are not quite tight, consider selling it on a genre related site.