A sight we may not see again soon. No social distancing!

Changing the Face of Education

It is now very different from what it was. Education that is. It has been mostly moved to digital due to COVID-19. This means from kindergarten to college, all via Zoom and other conferencing platforms. I have a daughter in middle school and they have gone all digital. Fortunately she likes it. One of my nieces who goes to a major college university and is making do.

Daughter in Digital School

But not all are so lucky. There are those institutions that are having a very trying time with online education. My wife and I are happy our daughter is not one of them.

Working on Online Courses

Even continuing education is going the digital route. Both myself and my brother are creating online courses that when delivered to students will be via the web.

Words of a Founding Father

So how will this evolving approach to education impact the industry in terms of teachers’ employment? Some approaches use pre-recorded lessons, meaning the teachers are needed less as well as in some cases are not needed at all. This will greatly affect the bottom line of some educators. But we believe that what will always be true is this credo by one of our founding fathers:

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -Benjamin Franklin

Might Mean Better Shot at Employment for Educators

Mr. Franklin’s quote seems to imply that people learn most in an interactive or workshop fashion. This take on education in order to be realized would seem to necessitate that live teachers are used.

How Does this Impact You?

What does this mean for you? It could translate into our now being even more required to take control of our education. Are you currently taking a digital online course? If not, you might want to think about doing it, especially if you have some aspect of knowledge you need to flesh out.