Being Away Makes a Difference
Our last post was on Friday and it is now Monday. We have decided (at least at the moment) of being like other people and take the weekends off. It is interesting to note that you get, at least for us, a feeling of disconnect in terms of the process. It is almost as if we have to get our chops back up, despite only being away from the process for just a few days.
What it is About
We should mention that this past week as been the start of us writing an eBook about – what else -marketing. Specifically marketing during this time of the pandemic and violence in our New York City neighborhoods. It is marketing made for an uncertain world by focusing on “Cause Marketing” that is marketing that gets its message across in cause oriented way.
Writing Schedule
We worked all last week, each morning early for Monday through Friday, ending up with the equivalent of one fourth of the work for the eBook. To be more specific, we are writing just 500 words per weekday, or 2,500 words per week and 10,000 words per month. 10,000 is the smallest amount possible for a nonfiction eBook. Though, we can’t help it, and are ending up with more than just 500 words per day.
Possible Long Term Plan
Our ambition, if the first eBook goes over well, is to write a new eBook each month and either make them available on a third party site or possibly eventually get an eCommerce location on one of our participating blogs in the Blog Coalition.