Digital is a Gift

As much as we might complain about it sometimes, digital is a gift. It makes positivity possible, and like any force, how you use it is what matters most. If you are older it may all seem mystifying, but the good news is that it is really not all that different than technology as it […]

Is Social Media Worth It for Your Business?

Who Are You Trying to Reach? Depending on who you are trying to reach, staples of social media included Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Give the Right Impression If you know why you are using social media and believe it still gives you a result, there is not harm in using organic (non-paid) social media in […]

Listen to Oprah

“If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.” -Oprah Winfrey Ideas for Growth Oprah is extremely successful it appears on all levels. She is very wealthy, seems to have ended her battle with food and it […]