Save NYC Together

Although, due to the Pandemic, much in-person communication has been halted, digital communication is on the rise in conjunction with a desire, through any means possible, to create and preserve art. There is still creativity in the city and you see it on building all over. This means of checking in has not shut down. […]

A Return to DIYdigi

Move More Quickly The sooner your outlook gets close to this, the closer you are to join the big leagues. Depending on the products or services that you have aligned yourself with, there will always be competition. The good new is that being smaller can be sometimes good in these circumstances because you are not […]

Visitor Go Away

We are all in the grasp of an undesired visitor. We tell this visitor to go away, but it makes no difference, the visitor remains. We know in our gut that the only hope to rid ourselves of this visitor is to do something different, take a calculated risk. We have decided to do so. […]

Your Mission

Mission I was helping out a company today with refining their mission. It doesn’t matter what kind of business you have or entrepreneurial venture that you have embarked on. You need a mission. Components of Your Mission A mission states your purpose and defines you goals for the customer or client. It is actually much […]

eBook in Development

Being Away Makes a Difference Our last post was on Friday and it is now Monday. We have decided (at least at the moment) of being like other people and take the weekends off. It is interesting to note that you get, at least for us, a feeling of disconnect in terms of the process. […]