It Doesn’t Interrupt You

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” -Robert Louis Stevenson Three Faves When I was 8 years old I had two favorite people: Jules Verne and Harry Houdini. Jules Verne mostly for my favorite book at the time which was “Mysterious Island” which was originally published […]

Keeping Your Creativity Alive

John Lennon said it best in the lyric of song. My brother reminded me that the name of the tune is “Beautiful Boy,” from Lennon’s last album before he passed called “Double Fantasy.” “Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans” – John Lennon And this can be true for many in […]

Listen to Oprah

“If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.” -Oprah Winfrey Ideas for Growth Oprah is extremely successful it appears on all levels. She is very wealthy, seems to have ended her battle with food and it […]

What the Coronavirus Can Mean for Your Business

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.” -Steve Jobs Is Your Business at Risk? You thought the Virus was being contained. That’s at least what you were told by the powers that be. But […]

Walt Had it Right

This is one of my favorite quotes: “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” -Walt Disney We of course also have had big corporations use phrases like “Just do it” which is somewhat in the same realm of what Mr. Disney is suggesting. Even “Doers” Suffer From “Analysis Paralysis But […]

Don’t stop until you dream is achieved.

Guiding Phrases What Nelson Mandela achieved in his life is nothing short of remarkable. His tenacity had an incredible impact on the world. While most of us will likely never come close to what Mandela did, we can be inspired as processed through our own lenses by applying his guiding principles to our lives. “A […]

Be the Change with Your Marketing

Know Your are Making a Difference If you look at your job or business as just being a way to make money you are missing out on a big component of your quality of life. On the other hand if you do marketing that is “cause centered” you can have the best of all possible […]

Beyond DIYdigi

Although we believe that DIYdigi (Do It Yourself Digital) is vital to one’s success, by the same token we feel that another area of focus should be on defining your version of success. What does success mean to you? Yianni Stamas had a quote from Einstein on his site today that we think hits the […]

Solopreneur Out of the Box Entrepreneurial Strategies

Use Your Brain Business as we know it has changed considerably in the last decade, no longer, especially with the Corona Virus in our midst, is big buildings. What we need are big brains. A big brain which is your brain. Legendary magician Harry Houdini once said: “My Brain is the key that sets me […]

What is Your DIYdigi Practice?

The Country Now Needs YOU We all have our reasons for engaging our DIYdigi (also known as “Do It Yourself Digital” practice. This is a critical component to consider. Why are you doing what you do when it comes to computers and other devices? Do you have a message? Do you know who you want […]